Kagami Biraki at Lonin 2025


I attended Kagami Biraki at Lonin League in Seattle, Feb 2025. It was a privilege to see the demonstrations of budo from members of Tenshin Buko-ryu, Takamura-ha Shindo Yoshin Ryu, and Japanese Fighting Arts Northwest.

The Jikishinkage-ryu practice at Lonin led by Nicky Sayah Sina and Jake Harlin joined me in performing several kataselected from its curriculum at our annual new year gathering. I initially was not planning to demonstrate formal kata but filled in for one of the deshi who was ill. I was able to do so in an orthodox manner, even though my focus lately has been on integrating more fully internal martial arts principles into my practice, with some resulting changes to how I express the art. I had been inspired by the strong performances I had witnessed that day amongst the other dōjō who participated in our gathering and wanted to show the art as I had learned it and how far I could take it. At the end, I demonstrated some Chinese long spear movements drawn from Taiji Quan and Xingyi Quan and instantly felt at ease. I think that was a sign I should not ignore.

Although I believe I was successful in demonstrating the dominant spirit cultivated in Jikishinkage-ryū — for which I am extremely grateful to have learned at the Hōbyōkan — I aspire to cultivate a more relaxed and integrated kind of force, even when performing enbu.

Mark Raugas
